Mama Sarah Obama by Daphne Barak , Erbil Gunasti

Mama Sarah Obama: My Home Cooking Recipes is not only a recipe book: It describes the eating habits of Sarah Obama's family. It gives glimpses of the kitchen and culture of East Africa. Sarah's tales portray on one hand - her daily effort to put food on her family's table, on the other - family gatherings, including the ones with her famous grandson President Barack Obama, around her home cooking and freshly served meals.

Product details

  • File Size: 157 KB
  • Print Length: 148 pages
  • Publisher: PI Publications, Inc. (September 2, 2012)
  • Publication Date: September 2, 2012
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0095B4632
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Screen Reader: Supported
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled


Daphne Barak is one of the leading A-list interviewers in the world. Barak conducts a wide range of sit-down interviews with A-list heads-of-state, royals, Hollywood stars, musicians, athletes, artists, fashion designers, supermodels and newsmakers.

Her television specials and print exclusives are distributed in all leading outlets, and throughout many countries around the world, in their own languages, including USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland, Croatia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Arab world, Pakistan, India, the Far East, Russia, China, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and S. Africa.

Barak owns her own intellectual property which consists of hundreds of filmed interviews which are comprehensive, historical and wide ranging.

Barak made top ratings with her specials with Michael Jackson and his parents, Liza Minnelli, Eric Clapton, Mia Farrow, Johnny Depp, Luciano Pavarotti and many other A-listers.

Politically speaking, Barak is known to get under the skin of leaders and support causes she shares with some. For example: Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Yaser Arafat of Palestine, Moammar Qaddafi of Libya, Nelson Mandela of S. Africa, Shimon Peres of Israel, Mother Theresa, Hillary Clinton and many other heads-of-state.

This is why Barak has hosted Hillary Clinton, and supported her presidential bid. This is also the reason why she hosted and supported other events for Benazir Bhutto. It was about democracy, the best person for the job and - about a close friendship.

My Benazir is Barak's second book. Her first book was a diary of addiction: Saving Amy, covering six months period that Barak spent with Amy Winehouse and her parents. After the book was published Amy stated: "Only Daphne can explain my complicated life!"


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