Barack Obama and Leadership by Joseph Andrews

Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States on January 20, 2009. For him, it was a personal success. For the country, it was another example of American exceptionalism. It was an epoch-making pact between Barack Obama and America; the world witnessed and applauded. Obama made promises to the American people and held out promises to people of many other nations as well.
Given the unprecedented goodwill he enjoyed upon arrival in office, it is important to examine why the applause died so quickly after his inauguration. How did Barack Obama squander historic goodwill in such a short time? How was this possible with the considerable resources at his disposal?
As a symbol of a new dawn, the Obama picture was near perfect. If this had been a movie script, the director could not have found a better lead actor than Barack Obama. Son of an immigrant father from Africa and a Caucasian woman from Kansas, Barack Obama epitomized the legend of American integration. A Harvard law school graduate, by age 47 he had already served as an elected senator at both state and national levels.

The extent of the goodwill President Obama enjoyed when he began his term of office can be gauged from his historic inauguration. The estimates are that more than one million people attended the ceremony.[Consider that any movie that attracts one million people at its premiere is considered a blockbuster]

Product details

  • File Size: 564 KB
  • Print Length: 208 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Steward Publishing (August 14, 2012)
  • Publication Date: August 14, 2012
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B008Y40PUY
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Not Enabled
  • Screen Reader: Supported
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled


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