NLP - 25 insights on how to be cured of terminal cancer with the help of NLP

The article was inspired by the book:

Timothy Ferriss - The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

In June 2011, Chris was diagnosed with highly spread metastatic cancer in the abdominal cavity. She was told that her condition was terminal. She will have to undergo a major abdominal surgery in which as many tumors are removed as possible while damaging and removing many internal organs. Chris says she met with the attending medical team to discuss this surgery and there was a sort of "bargaining" on her internal organs, what to cut completely, what to leave partially, what better not to touch.
She was terrified. It was clear that she would come out of this surgery when she was connected for the rest of her life (probably short) to auxiliary equipment, many bags and tubes and her independent life would be over. She is going to become very dependent on others and medicine. At the same time, only such an analysis is capable of extending her life.
The surgery was scheduled for three and a half weeks later and Chris was sent home to rest and await this surgery.
When all the medical inquiries and Chris and her husband Tim returned home, they had exactly 17 days left until the day of surgery.
Their extensive therapeutic experience at NLP was now a challenge. They decided to spend the next 16 days working on healing and healing. They operated simultaneously on many levels and levels, which I will describe later.
After 17 days Chris arrived for surgery. Just before the anesthesia, the attending physician whispered to her: "I will do my best to minimize damage. We will meet in the recovery room in a few hours."
Chris was still drowsy and confused in the recovery room and even before she opened her eyes she heard the doctor whispering excitedly to her ear: "We couldn't find even one cancerous cell in your body, you are perfectly healthy."
Today Chris shows herself to be as healthy as she has not been in the last 20 years.
If you or someone close to you faced with a challenge threatening life. Recommend Tim and Chris run "emergency response", join the Act that:

Taking responsibility

After the initial step of the shock and fear great there is usually a tendency to be angry, blame others, get caught up in a state of the victims and feel helpless. When it happens, it is important to take responsibility for those feelings. Release the resentment and anger and forgive totally to others and you. (Of course processes NLP can help it). Instead, feel a victim of circumstances, you are given here opportunity to improve yourself.

Adopt a positive attitude

Not allow problems harsh reality to control daily life. Choose wisely to look at positively in your life and look for them the best significant. As he did Dr. Victor Frankel when his stay concentration camps during the Holocaust. In his book "man looking for the meaning of" writes Frank that there is something you never will be taken from the person, and that's an approach to life. " We our lives concentration camps remember people Who turned around between bungalows and comforted other, give up on a piece of bread their last. They were not many, but they have shown that you can take the person everything except talk one: the freedom to choose approach personal and personal, in any situation ".

Recognize thank you

To Express gratitude in daily. Create a long list of all the people things which you can admit. Proven research that gratitude reinforces the system immune. Chris lecture shared that at least 200 times every day is back on the mantra" thanks to my body on recovery ", although not know what's going on there at the cellular level. Set a goal positive - think coefficient what want to get not sink occupational in the current problems. Focus the attention solution and not a problem. Remember to think that you expand, increased, develops.

Giving a new name and positive situation

Instead say" I have a problem of an increase massive, in terminal, In organs internal ", think how to formulate the situation in a new and strengthens.
Be surrounded by a team support
Create an environment to support you achieve your goal and even Enter your dream. It is important to make sure that all the people that surround you help to you and help you think positive. Moved away from people that weaken you and pump your energy. He was only with people who give you feel good about yourself. Consider well what you are a few others on the situation - take the time to create your way to describe others. Select what as you say those who ask how are you. Remember that you are this hear the story that you are a number of the most times. What you share with others is the message you passes to yourself and around you on your situation. This story can strengthen you or weaken you. This is also message to pass on between your family, your friends and people with them you work. It is important to raise the anyone who you know support scenario best that can happen to you. You should also inform all around that you want to that they just imagine scenario optimistic it.
Go as much as possible processes nlp
Method the nlp tools wonderful to create a change and relief pain. It's time to harness these tools recovery. All process that will help you feel better about yourself, strengthen, create your imagination future optimistic, forgive, thank etc. helpful you now very much.
Create and develop questions core support recovery repeat the mantra strengthens
Find suggestion brief or mantra reinforces the recovery and return it countless times. For Chris, this mantra "thank you for healing".
Guided imagery, prayer or meditation
Pray or imagine the situation optimal the most. Create a Photo imaginary detailed of yourself after recovery full. Imagine yourself partner activities exciting you and you active them after your recovery.
Improve the lifestyle
Examine what is a length of your life is required change: nutrition, activity sports, deepening breathing, And dropping habits harmful behavioral and mindset (like a tendency to be negative, critically or complains)
Wirte a day
Very good for the soul and consciousness be expressed in writing in daily. This channel good to Express the your fears. And you have spoken the fears and concerns your paper, you can write also how can leverage the situation and remove from the best.
Stay in nature and calm the consciousness
Spent as long as possible in nature. Follow practices in nature. Learn to be present at the moment and quiet the consciousness.
Avoid from reading material about your situation medical
Be careful very the information you are exposed to a network about your situation medical. Usually it would be information weakens the alarm stress and anxiety. Did the ability to avoid information negative about your situation medical. Scenarios scare you read them can easily produce weakness of your subconscious, what Improve process recovery.
Watch movies and program's TV empowering you listen to music makes you good
Away, how can be from the computer and reply email. Avoid watching the news published media tendencies generate a sense negative. Select what put in mind your watched it with pleasure.
Create a future invites for yourself
Create a Photo future which has been to achieve the goal and fulfilled your dream. Future where you life always wanted to live. Planning (in reality) event future fun such as vacation. So it would be something future good watch him and adjust him.
Engage in every day activities fun
Be the vicinity of people loved ones, leave a walk, stay in nature, read, write, listen to music, Cook, views movies do you good and so on.
Create a space physical work internal
Choose room or in the private quiet in the House where you can be quietly with yourself. In this space you can meditate, pray, write, relax and experience fantasies guided that support In your recovery. Fill in the room this book inspiring images Pleasant you look at them.
Doug look your best every day
When you so feel better about yourself and transfer to give your subconscious mind the message recovery.
Let yourself experience all arc feelings
Heavy all emotion more than you for your situation. Search the intention positive that all emotion. At the same time also artist all note that you have all abilities to achieve the goal.
Live from the gratitude
Welcome on all due you. Philosopher real Fox said: "knee something and bless you, cursing him and he cursing you. If you are welcome particular situation, will not be has the ability to hurt you. Even if he looked threatening for a while, in the end is will dissolve, if bless you it honestly".
Log in force majeure In his power cure you
To develop a belief about the forces of the universe the great that can contribute to for your healing. For example God, the force of nature, higher power, life force mighty, Angels, Jesus, Buddha, great spirit, and so on. Artist all note that you can achieve your goal if you are not satisfied with the place where you are, you need to get up and move. Was active!

The article was inspired by the book:


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