Lifestyle - Ways to Become the Master of Life!

1. Learn something every day

Not only will it keep your memory sharp, but you will also become a walking library of quotes that can break out at any moment. Articles, videos, statements, and philosophies are the best options.

2. Try to reduce your property

The possessive and corporeal people, when their property is taken from them they get it hard and lose interest in life. The objects, in the end, maybe your own, and not the other way around. Become a person with minimal needs, and you will be with much more content.

3. Develop an endless curiosity about the world

Become a researcher and consider the world as your own jungle. Examine all the little things in life. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments as possible. This world has a lot to offer, why not take advantage of it as much as possible?

4. Remember people's names

That way they will feel appreciate you, and if you need them in the future they will be there for you. To remember names, repeat the name after the person introduces himself. Then repeat the name over and over in your head until you are sure you have it. You will continue to use their name during the call, so be sure not to forget the name. If you still have trouble remembering, you will come up with a nickname using the person's external characteristics and personality and include his name inside.

5. Get fit!

It's ridiculous to know that we have one body, one means of functioning, and people are too lazy to worry about. A fit body leads to high security, health and success with the opposite sex. I think those three reasons are good enough to start getting fit.

6. Learn to focus only on the present

The past is unchangeable, so it is pointless to think about it unless you do it to avoid repeating past mistakes. The future is a direct result of your actions today. Then you will learn from the past to make the present better so you can succeed in the future.

7. And more specifically - live the moment!

Also what happened from 10 minutes ago is considered past. If you are living this moment alone you will always be happy as there is nothing wrong with the present split second.

8. Smile more often

Every time you smile on your face, your brain releases serotonin, the hormone of happiness. A smile is the best way to force yourself to be happy. Many people smile for 5 minutes straight in the morning to have a happy day. It is a very powerful tool and we use it less and less as we grow older. Just remember that happiness leads to a smile, but also the smile leads to happiness.

9. Drink water

Water is important for overall health. The nutritional content of sugary drinks is equal to 0. it's like pouring a cup of sugar into syrup. It may take you some time to get used to the pointless, but you will soon find yourself addicted to that taste. Minimum 10 cups per day are the optimal amount. How much water have you been drinking so far?

10. Don't take life so seriously!

Learn to smile and laugh at the little things in life so it will be much easier for you to live. Have fun with your mistakes and failures, and be grateful that you can learn from them in the future. Most importantly - do things you enjoy. Life is not a business.

11. Think positive

When you find yourself thinking negatively, stop it immediately by any means necessary. Slap yourself in, shout something positive, or even jump. Do whatever it takes to get back to positive thinking, as it is crucial to success.

12. Read books

No need to explain.

13. Get out of the sun

The sun brings joy to the heart. When you are in the sun you feel amazing: throughout your body, the heat of life flows.

14. Help others

Few reasons:
A. Helping others has a ripple effect. If you help someone, they will feel obligated to help someone else and so on.
B. You grow by helping others. It can change a lot of unexpected things in your life.
C. Your relationship with that person will be strengthened.
D. That's the most satisfying thing about our planet. Not only does it feel physically amazing, but you do feel good.
God. You can count on these people when you're in trouble.

15. Set aside time for worries every day

Reflect on all your worries during this time so that they do not distract you while you are at work or while having fun. This way you can avoid as much negative thinking as possible. If you stop thinking about your troubles, and you have a set time to do so and do not go beyond it, you will be much happier and relieved during the day.

16. Be honest

Lies only lead to trouble. Be trustworthy, it's a great feature where you can maintain your inner integrity.

17. Sleepless

Adapting to a new sleep cycle can take up to 21 days, don't give up if you feel tired after 5 hours of sleep. The "duty" to sleep 8 hours a night is for ordinary people. If you are reading this article you are Special. Try to find the number of sleeping hours you need. With how much fun it is to sleep, once you're awake you're much more efficient and have self-satisfaction.

18. Understand what your goals and dreams are

Most people live aimlessly, jumping on every little thing that comes their way. Instead, decide what your mission is in life and where you want to go and begin the actions that will take you to this place. The most satisfying thing in the world (yes, more than sex) is overcoming a challenge along the way. We are happiest as we grow closer to something better.

19. Get your day started right

Wake up an hour ahead of time, and invest this hour in personal development activities (meditation, introspection, observing nature, etc.), do the things that make you feel happy and optimistic so you start your day on the right foot. We assure you that once you start doing this, your days will become more enjoyable and fulfilling. Every day is going to be the best day of your life.

20. Use the "fire" method

Whenever fear, worry or discomfort take over, close your eyes and write down the thought of the paper. Continue with the paper in the direction of the fire and watch it crumble. Even better, write it down literally and burn it. You will have no problem getting the thought out of your mind after you do.

21. Travel

Anyone you ask will tell you that traveling is the most fun thing in life. Observing a different culture will expand your knowledge and make you appreciate the life you live. It calls into section 3 (exploring the world). Imagine the positive consequences that a new environment can bring to your life.

22. Elasticity Method - The third and final. Method of removing negative thoughts

You probably already realized that this is a very important issue. Tie an elastic band around your wrist. Whenever you have a negative thought in your head, pull the rubber band slightly and release it. This technique causes negative thoughts to be associated with pain and so your body will reject negative thoughts. It sounds a bit cruel at first, but it's just little bites. And in relation to the result, which is just positive thoughts, that's a small price to pay.

23. Learn not to be influenced by the words of others

Most people get terribly annoyed when they are called derogatory by others, but there is a simple trick to overcoming it. If we called you 'Power Pillar' would you be angry? Obviously not, because you are not, you are a human being. The same idea applies when someone calls you the name of something you know you don't. He is stupid for saying such a thing, so why should you respond furiously? The only unusual thing is when someone else calls you something you do! In that case, you have to admit your weaknesses, and begin to change.

24. You will learn to forgive

Most people fail when it comes to forgiving. Resentment only brings unhappiness to those who hold it and prevents good relationships in the future. You make mistakes all the time, so why not take pity on others when they're wrong? Resentment causes anger and feeling unwell, while forgiveness brings a refreshing feeling to the soul and strengthens the relationship.

25. Be a person who makes others feel special

That people will know you for your generosity and sympathetic nature.

26. Imagine daily

It has been said many times and proven repeatedly, you get what you focus on. If you complain all the time, you will encounter the things you complain about. The same goes for good things like health, wealth and happiness. Just spend more time in the morning imagining yourself getting what you want. Focusing is key in this exercise, so choosing a quiet environment will not bother you. Others, the mediation stage.

27. Do medicine for at least 15 minutes every day

In the modern world where everyone is so connected to each other via computers and smartphones, most people enjoy the beauty of silence. Being able to silence your brain and soothe your body is a skill that everyone must develop. Just sit somewhere, preferably in nature, and focus on your breathing or just try not to think of anything. It's going to be very difficult at first! You may find it boring or you may not be able to think of anything, but you will get better and start loving it. After meditation, you will feel very good about yourself. The only way to understand the feeling is to try it.

28. Learn to control your thoughts

What kind of skilled personnel are you if you can't control your thoughts? While the human brain is described as a stream of consciousness, it does not mean that you cannot control the direction of the current. The meditation technique, as well as the methods of removing negative thoughts, will help you control your thoughts.

29. Learn to control your emotions

The only person who can make you happy is you! And only you decide whether to be influenced by the words and deeds of others. Understand that the next time you experience a negative emotion, there is an inner strength within you to help you overcome it.

30. Relax!

Yes, work is a very important thing, but you have to rest every once in a while, relax. In addition, you should reward yourself after a successful day at work. What’s the point of working so much if you can’t enjoy a little too often?

31. You will learn to make a good first impression

Get yourself a firm handshake, and have a small talk for the first time. People didn't know what to think of you if all you say is "Hello, my name is ____, nice to meet you." Also, make sure that you remember the names of the people, as we said above. Who knows, you might do business or even marry the person you just met for the first time. Be sure to leave a good impression.

32. Learn to use your full potential

A. Make eye contact in the conversation. Looking down while talking is a sign of inferiority. Instead, look straight at the person talking to you and look into his eyes.
B. Take a hard look at yourself. Know the feeling that someone is looking at you and you feel like they are looking into your soul? So it's not something innate, it's something you have to adjust to yourself.

33. Be mysterious

Don't take out all your important details. There is something enticing and mesmerizing about people who don't know everything about them. It does not mean not discovering anything or keeping yourself away from people, all within the boundaries of good taste.

34. Be good at something

Call it a hobby or a passion, whatever it is, just be really good at it. No, your profession doesn't count! Do something you can practice enough times to excel. For example magic, surfing, ping-pong, making short films, etc.

35. Keep your brain new

Most people are stuck in the routine. They go to work in those days, hang out with the same friends and eat in the same places. Although it feels safe and comfortable, it is not a stimulating lifestyle for your brain. Try doing something you don't know how to do! The point is that you need to learn new things to keep your mind sharp. Force your brain to work in ways it hasn't worked before. Just like physical exercise, it will produce results immediately.

36. Read something that inspires you before you go to bed, and after you get up

It will give you a great mood before you sleep and when you get up in the morning. Read something, a famous number, and your favorite self-improvement book. Try reading something that really gets you excited, especially in the morning, it will leave you home when you are radiant and with wonderful energies.

37. Do what you love

Many people spend their lives chasing money so that they can afford what they want in the future. It doesn't make sense to start life at 65. We only live once, so why not live your life when you're happy? Anything else would be a tragic waste of time. Keep track of your happiness, and you'll be much happier than retiring at age 40.

38. Choose your friends wisely

You are far more influenced by what you think of the people you spend your time with. Do your friends have similar values ​​to yours? Do they encourage you when you talk about your goals or do they mock you? Make sure the people around you support your lifestyle, otherwise you will find yourself repeatedly dragged into behavior that keeps you away from your desires. Don't let anyone get in the way of being what you can and want to be.

39. Do not burn bridges

The intention is to maintain good relationships even with people you think you won't see them again. For example, if you quit your job, don't ruin your boss's relationship before you leave! You may come across it later and need it. You never know when you'll need someone you knew before. In addition, there is too much hate in the world, why add more?

40. Keep a Calendar

It sounds like a very monotonous habit at first, but when you get used to it, this little things will become a great way to organize your thoughts and your growth trajectory over the years. Most of us stay up in bed thinking about today's events, so why not write those thoughts down neatly? This will allow you to look back and examine how your way of thinking has changed over the years.

41. Learn to use and trust your subconscious/intuition

When you spend time in silence, listen to the inner feelings that tell you what to do. Learn to differentiate between your thoughts and your subconscious mind. If you can locate the source of thought (this thought led to this thought, etc.) then it is not your subconscious mind. When you learn to discern exactly between the two, you can take advantage of this tremendous tool called subconscious/intuition.

42. Develop a charismatic personality

You know, the kind of person who is always surrounded by people who love him. You will begin to imagine yourself as such. Try to get a sense of humor, learn some jokes and try to make it funny. Most importantly, believe that you are, even if you fail at first. Faith is the first step - reality will follow immediately.

43. Love is all there is

If you really want to be the master of life, let love be in your every action. Love your friends, family, and enemies. That's the hardest thing to do out of this whole list, which is why it appears last. But if you do, you can be seen as a leader among those who approve of their hatred, anger, and all other negative emotions taking over their lives. Love is a very rare thing in the world compared to the massive presence of hatred. You will see that people's attitude towards you is changing rapidly. Just love, love, and love.


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