Marketing - How to sell at once to dozens of customers

Truthfully, there are several ways to do this.
One way is to have a frontal event. Such an event could be a lecture, a workshop, etc.
Another way is to send emails to the mailing list with worthwhile purchase offers.
Although these are two very effective ways, I want to talk about another way, which allows sales to dozens, even hundreds of customers at the same time.

I'm talking about Webinars!

Before I explain how this can be done, I think we should first explain what Webinar is.
Well, Webinar is actually a Web Seminar, where we transfer our content via the computer to multiple listeners at the same time.
During the lecture, we sit in front of our computer, connected with a microphone and headphones, and our listeners are in front of their computer with headphones or speakers and hear the value that we have to convey to them.
We can show our listeners our screen, PowerPoint presentation, websites and more. These serve as the best way to transfer value.
Listeners can ask us questions in writing, and we can answer them during or at the end of the lecture.

We talked about sales, right?

Since our ultimate goal is to make the customer open the wallet, we can finish the lecture with an affordable offer for everyone who was with us on the line and thus sells our products and services.
The advantage of this case is that we link the product we sell to the value we gave during the lecture, so listeners understand that they should order.

The benefits of Webinar vs. frontal lecture and email delivery

Having a frontal event or sending emails to a mailing list are great ways to increase sales, but Webinar has some advantages on their faces.
he advantage of Webinar over e-mail marketing is that before the sale we give customers real value in the area of ​​excellent content that we transmit to them. In addition, there is interest in the possibility of interaction between us and the participants in the Webinar, by asking them questions during the lecture.
The advantage of Webinar over a frontal lecture is mainly for those who have stage fright, and are not interested in appearing personally in front of an audience. The webinar gives the possibility to "hide" behind the computer screen. In addition, the more webinars we make, the easier it will be to overcome stage fright and move on to frontal runs.
In addition, there is an advantage to logistics for the existence of Webinar, since there is no need to find a place for the frontal lecture, and actually do not have to leave the house or office, not to transfer the Webinar and not to participate as a listener.
Another advantage of Webinars, which is essentially the same as the advantage of frontal lectures, is the fact that the higher the value of our Webinars, the more we will be perceived as an arbitrator in our field, which will make customers want to buy from us the products and services we provide.
Despite the above, the Webinarians have one significant drawback, especially for those who just want to start experimenting with it. This is the disadvantage of price. The best webinar systems charge dozens or even hundreds of dollars a month, which can probably be heavy at first, especially if you do not want to commit to doing webinars on a regular basis.
Fortunately, there is a solution to this disadvantage as well.

How to register as many customers as possible?

I have found that there is only one effective way to market Webinar and get people to register. This involves developing the ability to effectively create, manage, and deliver content to Webinars to all places where the potential customers you want to reach are on the Internet.
Content strategies should be developed around the subject of content to be passed on to Webinar.
Research has shown that the more content is produced and distributed on the Webinar, the greater the number of registrants. This is one of the goals of Webinar: to increase the mailing list of people interested in the product or service of your business.
The webinar is a powerful marketing tool in your business that brings leads, reinforces your business and builds market leadership.
The idea is to produce different types of content: articles, videos, reports, interviews and distribute them as many channels as you like and own.
Before I explain the multi-channel distribution, I would like to refer to the best source not only to bring traffic to Webinar but also to customers, and it is a mailing list.

One of the most effective tools to bring participants to the Webinar - mailing list

On the mailing list are your "burnt" potential customers: they are the ones who follow you, read the emails you send and take part in the activity you do.
A webinar is an activity, so first and foremost before you go into the multi-channel digital world and distribute the existence of Webinar, you need to be interested in your mailing list.
Sending one email is not enough, and sending an email that encourages registration to anyone who has already registered for Webinar can only annoy you, so pay attention!
The opening percentages of emails are 20% and maybe 30%, that means you have to send many emails. If you want people to treat and open your e-mail, do not send e-mail messages in the subject line listed "Register Now", but rather a valuable content provider.

Additional sources to bring are registered to Webinar

For the rest of the sources from which traffic will reach the Webinar, it depends on the audience around it and understands the Webinar marketing plan.

A webinar has a unique program for promoting it. Its main goals are to promote the Webber in multi-channel media: the company's website, YouTube channel, social media (pages, groups), employees, distributors, partners.
The program is usually structured in a period of one to two weeks before the Webinar with the intention of executing it no later than 10 days before.
The program is built for every Webinar, so it is quite possible that the promotion will begin earlier, depending on the potential audience you are familiar with and how it behaves for event registration, even if it is a live event, Webinar, which can be shared anywhere with any Internet-connected device.
On the other side, there are also Webinars that the promotion was made in the burst, by bombing within a few days. Imagine a promotion for Webinar that starts on Sunday and goes on to Webinar on Thursday, the same week.

Yes, it is possible!

True, pre-preparation of advertising materials is required, but as the week begins, promotion begins on all channels very intensely until the very start of the Webinar on Thursday.
If you intend to sell a product or service within Webinar, then you should also make paid advertising on Google, Facebook, content distribution networks and niche sites in your field just like promoting an exhibition in your field.
To be profitable, you need to know your sales margins (ask an account manager to help you) and estimate how many people will register and arrive and how many percents of those who arrive will actually buy your offer. When you have these numbers, you can set your advertising budget.
Anyone who signs up for Webinar actually enters the mailing list with at least the following details: name, email, cell phone number, so that he can also send SMS reminder messages to reach Webinar.

Use the registrant to spread the existence of the Webinar

You can ask those who have already signed up to share with their friends by signing up for Webinar. You need to do 2 things about it:
One, to ask. If you do not ask for the chance that people will promote you voluntarily it is very small
Second, give buttons or form to make the process simple and immediate.

You can definitely consider giving gifts to those who will help you spread the Webinar on social networks. You do not have to give anything big, but sometimes you have to move things forward. If, for example, the speaker is a writer, you can offer 5 copies signed by the author to be given to those who will publish the most content on social networks about the Webinar, for example.
And how do you ask? First of all, it can be on the thank you page for those who have already registered to the Webinar, and the second thing it can be done in two ways:
One is to call customers personally, thank them for signing up, and ask them to share their friends in social media. There is nothing like turning a man (surprising) to motivate a large part of the people,
The second, automatically in the email "registration confirmation".
Just ask.

Use of 'unutilized' and free use of Webinar

One of the strongest but unutilized forces in promoting Webinar is the company's human resources. Everyone needs to enlist in spreading the existence of the Webinar from the senior manager to the last employee: Everyone needs to talk about it at sales meetings, they have to talk about it on the social networks, they have to send SMS messages, they have to write about the Webinars in the WhatsApp groups they are friends in - Should use any tool in their possession to promote the Webinar, because it is the company's Webinar and not of any manager or employee - they are all recruited!
If the Webinar was intended for potential customers, I would not rule out a quick round of phone calls with a small group of customers for whom the Webinar is intended, and there is a desire to bring them to Webinar as part of the sales process. To do this you need to know the details whether the details are in the CRM system or in the mailing list system.


To set up a Webinar event, it means also to market it in multi-channel media to take advantage of the possibility for potential customers to join from anywhere on the planet and with any Internet-connected device.


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