Efficiency - "The Two Pizzas Law" - the secret of Jeff Bezos Amazon's founder for effective meetings

Meetings at work are often considered a waste of time. Therefore, Jeff Bezos has a rule of thumb to ensure that the meetings he participates in will be productive.

Work meetings are a notorious waste of time, so you have to work wisely to keep them from swallowing all day long. These are important moments that you or your employees can invest in more effective tasks.

The CEO of Amazon.com, Jeff Bezos, avoids unnecessary meetings, but when there is a meeting that he can not avoid, he has a method that is supposed to increase its efficiency. Simple: The more people participate in the session, the less their productivity is reduced, so Bezos is unwilling to attend meetings where there are so many participants that two pizzas will not be enough to feed everyone.

Gears, Movement, Machine

Bezos is not the first to understand that multi-participant meetings undermine creativity. "According to estimates, working in small groups helps eliminate factors that hurt innovation such as group thinking and time-wasting," wrote Business Insider Rachel Gillette.

Other factors that will help make meetings more useful include a strong facilitator, strict rules, and prior examination that the discussion is relevant to all invitees.

Moreover, Dr. Adrienne Foreham, a professor of psychology at the University College of London, wrote in an article published in the journal Psychology today that it is always good to schedule expectations for meetings: "Always plan and distribute the topics that will arise in the meeting. "The meeting is supposed to be. Be responsible for the issues and the results. Clarify why there are issues that have entered and others that have not, and decide in advance what the length of the meeting will be."

Bezos law does refer to the number of participants, but you can refer to his advice literally and invite two pizzas to meetings every few years. Pizza makes everything better.

Bloomberg Game Changers: Jeff Bezos


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