Digital assets - How to set up a Digital property and generate passive income for you

Welcome to the introductory lesson of Internet property.
In this lesson, we will learn about the burning problem that most business owners face, that provides existential justification for Internet assets as we build during the course.
We will understand the idea of tribes and the power that drives all businesses in the world.
And how the biggest brands in the world built their audiences.
We will understand what types of web assets we should create at the beginning of the road.
Give real-world examples of successful web properties and understand how they do what they do.

We will learn the types of Internet assets that exist and what we should focus on in the beginning

We will learn how Internet properties make money by virtue of their existence by different models of profit.
Before we move on to the practical dimension of the lesson, I want to tell you something personal.
For me, this course is not just another course, it's the beginning of something much bigger than I've been planning for years. I believe that beyond the desire to be free and happy, good people have the moral duty, not the right but the duty - to change the world for the better. This is because the people who make this world into negative places. They are people with a lot of ambition and lots of means, but the biggest means to change the world is to control the assets that tell people what to think about what to talk about and when to be silent.
In the past, it was the newspapers, the news and the media and politicians that came to positions of power and had direct access to a huge circulation of people and thus they could influence them.
Luckily technology is moving faster than these corporations and the future does not look bright for old-fashioned media. Digital media is the future and we have the opportunity to capture the place that big news channels have caught in the old world, this time to use the power and trust people give us not to scare them but to help them change their lives and those around them for the better.
My dream is to know how to touch the lives of millions of people and create financial freedom for yourself to change the world for the better.

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So before we start the course, it is important that we match expectations

Most people who enter the domain of digital marketing come in the wrong approach and I can understand why. The Internet is flooded with dream sellers who, if you do it or do it, you will start earning imaginary sums while working from the beach.
Although it is possible to work around the world while you are creating your own digital assets. It's important to remember - this business is a business for all intents and purposes. We need to get into the head of farmers, not of hunters.
What makes a person rich is cash flow.
A steady flow of assets that yields not strenuous work, however profitable.
Think about it - when a person has capital he buys assets.
Of course, even if he can make a lot of money, he knows that as long as he has to work for his cash flow he is still not free.
This training is designed to build an asset for us, this asset in proper operation will increase exponentially over time and will give you the economic quiet you need in order to live the life you want. But at first, we will have to invest intensively to build healthy foundations for our assets.
This guidance will turn us into digital entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs of the New World. In terms of access and knowledge before moving on to the more practical nature of this course built in the form of a practical workshop for the engineering and production of digital assets.

Our success in the field is not just the infrastructure while working, but the approach and the opening and the accumulated knowledge to see the bigger picture of this field.
So today we will understand how digital assets are built and how to make money from them and why the world is hungry for assets like the ones we are about to build and how it relates to an ancient idea of human life in the form of "tribes".

Most business owners do not know how to create exposure for their business, for temporary exposure through advertisements Business owners pay thousands and tens of thousands of dollars every month to businesses like Google, Facebook, and the major media networks. It has much more demand than digital advertising. And the reason for this is simple - it's very difficult to build an audience. Most business owners prefer to pay capital to gain temporary access to someone else's audience, so once we have a web property that attracts frequent traffic, we will make money without having to sell anything to anyone. Google will automatically pay us 70% of all advertising space on our site and we will only have to worry about traffic. There are lots of ways to make money from your online property.

Advertising is not the only way to make money through your web property.
But it's a good way to start with it because it puts the focus where it should be - to create as many surfers as possible without thinking of a profit model at first.
As big businesses did: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.
Along the way, it is possible to combine additional models for profit apart from advertisements, which we will learn later in the lesson.

What is a tribe?

A group of people who unite around a certain social structure in the head is a person or a brand.
Human nature is to unite with people with shared ideas and similar worldviews.
When we create an Internet property, we create the campfire, where our tribal group has the opportunity to connect, learn, laugh, get excited and express themselves.

People will do anything to feel part of something bigger than them, so in order to build a beloved brand and really a tribe around it, we need to give people the feeling that they are part of something significant.
So it does not matter what you decide to base your web property on, it's important that you do it right and create a vision that people can connect to. It is important that you have a "why" that motivates you, and that you make sure that people know the reason why I teach you this because my vision is to change the world for the better and help people understand that time is not worth money! Time is the most expensive currency and money is just a means for saving time. So the digital world winks at me so I will do anything to help you achieve the freedom this world has to offer.
But you have to think - why do you do what you do? What big or small change would you like to instill in the world through your web property? And money and freedom for yourself is not the answer is just a side effect that comes from a self that will give enough value to the world through your digital assets.
It is likely that you will reach hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands of applicants each month in your assets.
You can make them laugh, empower them, help them choose laundry detergent, or you can set up a property on a business you have or have always dreamed of having.
You should love it enough so you can do it well.

In the course of the tutorial I will teach you how to do "in-depth market research" where you will learn more in-depth how to choose a niche for our web property, so do not be afraid if you still have no direction.

What is the idea behind tribes?

The biggest power of all the leading brands in the world is the story people tell themselves about what it's worth to remember their name or brand?
Some wonderful examples of the ideas of tribes can be found in some of the world brands like Nike, Apple, Airbnb.
For example, Nike did not invent the people who ran, they existed before the company was founded.
Nike just said to them, "Hey, if you like running, we share the same passion with you, and we'll do anything to give you the best experience and the best solutions."
And Nike's success map began.
When Apple produced and distributed television commercials in 1997, they did not tell people, "These are our products and these are the reasons why they are better than the competitors' products"
They said, "We appreciate and cherish all the people who think differently, the crazy ones, those troublemakers who see and do things differently - in other words, they are technology efforts in the early stages - we are here for you, and everything we do is for you.
They did not invent the people who adopt early-stage technologies, they just made them realize that Apple was here for them and no one else.
Even when Airbnb arrived, people had already rented hotels. 
They just promised people - if you like to stay with people rather than hotels, we'll make it just more friendly and safer.

That is why people who like to rent apartments when they go on vacation they know - the Airbnb is worth remembering.

All of these examples are indeed brands as we know them today, but the way they expanded the niche audience they aimed at initially is not to invent a service or product or content that speaks to everyone but to target a very specific audience of people and create something for them that they will talk about with others .
That you find something that is good and worth talking about and you tell about it passionately, slowly the little tribe expands and becomes everyone.
REDDIT - A social network of game enthusiasts and consoles. They create content for those who can not without technology. If you have not heard about this site it is fine, they are also aimed at another audience.
Tony Robbins - A person who creates content related to personal development and breaking boundaries.
These domains are not intended for all people, but for some people who connect to the relevant content in a particular niche.
The topics of the content you will talk about are enough to support you.
It's important to understand that in order to build a tribe, you have to create content that people will love enough to pass on.
We can not create a message that everyone will connect to. We need to create a message that will have great meaning so people connect to it and pass it on.
It's possible that other people will not connect to it or even hate it.
It's important that you understand that you can not target everyone but some people and that's the goal.

Personal Brand VS Business Brand - How to choose between a personal brand and a business

There are 2 types of brands you can choose between creating an online property. On the one hand, a brand that will enable you to be anonymous and allow you to be behind it and convey the message for you.
Or you yourself will be the brand just like Donald Trump.
You have the opportunity to create a barrier between your life and the ideas with which your property is identified.
For example, if you work in a slaughterhouse and intend to open a vegan blog, you may not want to use your name.
But now seriously, a personal brand is suitable for people who want to become famous sellers.
If you have dreamed of writing a book or being a radio broadcaster or on TV or if you are therapists, consultants, teachers, artists, and creators this choice
If you do not want to be on the front you can come up with a name for your brand.
The name may indicate the field of activity or activity such as eBay. No one wonders what eBay is doing and in what area of activity they operate (selling products).
Beyond that, the name can be short and clear beyond your full name. A business brand is designed to create something that is bigger than you.
But do not rush to make the decision on the subject.
In the next tutorial, I will teach you how to make the right and informed decision.
Now that we understand the idea behind a brand, let's look at some examples of web properties that will help you better understand how this whole world looks like a practical application.
REDDIT is a site of geeks and technology enthusiasts around the world.
You will find everything related to technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, start-ups and cyber. has more than 1.46 B visitors every month!
They also have a successful application, a Facebook page with 1.2M Likes and a mailing list with several hundred thousand registered users.
REDDIT started out as a simple magazine and later became a social network.
Today, beyond the huge profits from advertising, with the amount of traffic that earns millions of dollars!
KITCHENWARE is another great example of a simple yet ingenious web property.
The site is dedicated to people who love cats.
On the site, surfers choose which cats are cuter than some of the cat options.
The site is built on a simple concept built to keep the surfers as long as possible on the site. (That's how Google promotes the site more) Surfing looks at an average site on more than 37 pages! Thus the owners of the site show surfers commercials over and over and again and produce a maximum profit and maximum from any surfer.
This example clearly shows that the stability of revenue from content sites is higher than the revenue stability from sites selling products or real estate in some cases.
Blendtec's popular web property puts them on the map.
YouTube's popular YouTube channel with almost a million followers and several million different video views each video.
The channel is devoted to original attempts to mix electronics in a company blender that has since become a legend among people who love blenders.
This is a classic example of how a company produces a crowd of people who care about the quality of the blender and how powerful it is.
They care so much that they follow every video the company releases. The day they need a blender there will be no question what blender they will have to choose.
Although the company combines the sale of products through the site and its YouTube channel, they have also implemented advertisements.
So once we watch their videos they will earn money as YouTube partners from every viewing.
So that they can profit from all directions.
On the one hand, they increase the name of their company and on the other hand, they earn from advertising and other advertisers who advertise advertisements within their content.

What is our product as having Internet assets?

Our product as having an online property is temporarily renting access to our audience to business owners.
This means that we need to create a content site or channel on social platforms that will create large traffic for us so that we can rent it to advertisers. We give advertisers temporary access to our audience by placing advertisements on our web properties. Luckily, crowds are the most sought after commodity on the Internet.
There are a lot of advertisers willing to pay us money and rent advertising space.
By default - for any ad space that we do not rent to advertisers ourselves, Google will place advertisements for other advertisers with us and share about 70% of your earnings.
This means that once we set up our site even before we start to create an audience that is large enough and relevant to advertisers, Google will rent all of our advertising space and pay us money for every click and every viewer viewing the ad. And so we can profit from the very first days that our site is in the air. Without selling anything to anyone. And this is all the magic in this field - any surfer who comes to our site and watches the ad will earn us the amount of money that Google will win us and will transfer monthly to our bank account.
The larger our audience and the more people we attract, the more we will benefit.
So we will always strive to use some of the profits to increase our audience more and more and thus earn more.
The cost-per-click (CPC) and per thousand views is determined by the ads that will be displayed to our audience and the ad will be automatically displayed based on the content of the page.
For example, in an internet property on the home design, advertisements for furniture related to home design will be placed.
So in the next tutorial, we will learn to do comprehensive market research and we will understand the issues on which it is worthwhile for us to produce an Internet property.
Certain clicks on ads will sometimes we will earn $ 2 and in some cases $ 25 and even more.
That's why it's critical to understand which advertisers pay a high amount of CPC.

How Does Internet Marketing Work?

The goal is to produce for us a closed circle that will profit from itself.
After we create our web property and embed the Google advertising code, advertisements will automatically be streamed to our site in the locations we selected. After we streamline surfers by means of a number of measures discussed below. The surfers will start watching commercials, and some will even be interested in them enough to click on them. Google's ads shriek between 2-10 clicks from every 1,000 visitors to our site. In fact, advertisements are so accurate that Google shows the ads according to things you've been interested in before and looking for Google. So they are really very relevant for the surfer.
For every surfer who clicks on the ads, we will immediately earn money that accrued in our Adsense account and will be transferred to our bank account once a month. With some of this money, we can use to buy more paid traffic and create new content and thus earn more next month and so more visitors will visit our site.
There are several types of business models that can be embedded in digital assets. The first and simplest model to understand is advertisements: advertisers pay us money for views and clicks of ad users.
On YouTube, for example, we can make money by uploading videos on every 1000 views, regardless of the click of a surfer.
1. When we receive money by this click, we call it a CPC - CASH PER CLICK and when we gain by exposure the model is called CPM-CASH PER MILE.

2. CPA - CASH PER ACTION We sell products of other businesses through links in the text, sending emails to our mailing list, banners on the site, and more. We will earn a certain percentage of each sale.

3. CPL - CASH PER LEAD We generate leads (interested) for business owners and receive payment for any interested in a particular product or service.
For example, if Mercedes wants to lead, we can sell it to people interested in cars.

4. eCommerce - We sell our products or services to our audience
It's the widest model in the digital marketing world because you can sell anything to anyone. We can create a digital product like a booklet or course or produce your own clothing brand.
Since there is so much to talk about on this subject below you will go through a complete tutorial on how to generate money from digital assets.

Let's get a little idea of what brand is

Let's learn about the infrastructure that will help us spread our ideas to the world:
During the training, you will learn how to establish 2 types of digital properties.

Primary digital assets:
2. Application
3. E-mail distribution list

Secondary digital assets:
1. Facebook page and Facebook group 
2. Instagram profile 
3.YouTube channel
The difference between primary and secondary digital assets is that the primary digital assets are owned by 100%
They are our way of communicating with our surfers without intermediaries in the middle.
While secondary digital assets are our way of communicating with our audience through third parties like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Our secondary assets are primarily aimed at communicating with our audience in places where it is like social networking and driving traffic away to our main assets.
Although ideally, we would prefer our audience would prefer to consume our content only on our site.
In the meantime, until our audience gets to know us, we will bring it from places like Google and social networks.
We will then learn how to leverage social networks and motivate people and put them on our site and our mailing list to keep them in touch frequently without spending money on advertising.
The goal is to generate referrals from assets that do not generate money for assets because they generate money for us (monetization)
As for the duration to motivate the movement of users from social networks to our site.
As our properties grow, the site will not be our main source of income.
Some people receive advertising on their personal web site for  20,000$ on advertising to upload one image of a particular brand and they do not even have a website.
But in order to be in such a situation, at least a few tens of thousands of followers need to achieve such campaigns.
We will build our web property based on profits from advertisements that come all the time.
And so any additional profit model that is assimilated over time will continue to increase revenue so that our base will be stable even without it.
Further on in the lesson on business models and digital properties, I will remind you about additional models of profit apart from advertising.

Let's describe the types of traffic of Internet surfers

Organic (natural) movement:
1. Word of mouth
2. Sharing on social networks
3. Email transfer
4. Traffic from search engines like Google

Sponsored traffic:
1. Ads on social networks
2. Media networks and content discovery
3. Payment to the advertiser

Funded traffic is the movement of surfers that we pay to propel into our property.
We can create advertisements on social networks like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
We can pay Google to appear first for a particular keyword.
We can advertise to people who have visited our site and show them additional content they may be interested in.
We can advertise on content discovery networks that will publish our articles.
We can pay money for a guest post better to pay someone who has a lot of followers.
If everything is confusing you, there's nothing to worry about! You will then receive guidance on sponsored advertising.
Natural traffic is the movement of surfers who do not pay. It is naturally earned in the way we are a content site that provides information that gives value to people.
Surfers will come to us from surfers who tell friends and share the content on our site, and from search engines.
Search engines will be a very important component of our natural movement.
We will try to meet all of Google's criteria in order to improve as much as possible the position of our Google properties vs other competitors who compete with us for the same keyword.
You will learn tips and tools on SEO - search engine optimization so you can promote each site to the first place in Google in a relatively short time.
The latest type of traffic is the traffic that we own.
These are the same people who wanted to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and subscribe to a mailing list.
Traffic does not cost us money and does not cost us the time and the traffic grows around our assets and the content we have created in the past and the audience itself is our biggest asset.
Our long-term goal is to maximize our assets so that a major part of our traffic will be in our hands so that we can earn more and be less dependent on external factors.
As people search for Facebook they do not have to go to Google and search Facebook.
They just type in
I recommend that you continue with the following tutorial "How to do market research and choose a profitable field and generate quick profits"
In the tutorial, you will learn how to choose a field that is profitable for you so you can generate profits quickly.


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