Efficiency - Increased efficiency 26 rules that will make you super heroes

“The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.”

― Timothy Ferriss 

The article was inspired by the recommended book:

Timothy Ferriss - The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

How do we use a few simple rules to increase our productivity? As aspiring people, we are constantly trying to increase our productivity through various methods that's we have developed over time.
Experience can be seen as a crucial factor in our labor productivity, so we have no choice but to adopt. some work and self-improvement. Now, share with you the best tips the experts have given us, how to make it easier and more efficient - to do more in less time. Successfully.

Chores list

The most effective way to increase productivity is to list tasks to be performed on a page, and then, when done, delete them. You can divide the tasks by their importance, prioritize them to a small

a task, large tasks and even depend on other tasks.

Daily goals

Without a clear focus, it is too easy to succumb to distractions. When setting fixed goals that are set for each day in advance, you can be more focused on the goal. The goal will remind us what we are working for, the goal uses as a ”lever” towards achieving the best results.

Performing the most hated assignment firs

We all have a few tasks we do not want to do, not now and not later. But if we took the time to finish the first? We must have felt greater relief or satisfaction. This feeling will allow us to continue

moving forward. Choose to start and deal with the least pleasant task, instead of dealing with it over a whole day. This small victory will determine the tone of your day and make it much more fruitful.

Peak time

We all have strong hours and weak hours. To increase our productivity, we need to know what our strong hours are. Sometimes we will be more concentrated in the morning and less in the afternoon or after sitting. Our peak time can significantly advance us toward the end of our mission in less than

expected time. Schedule your most important tasks for these times and choose to work on smaller tasks at other times.

Setting goals through

Set definitions and goals for each task. This is something to do when starting to perform a task so that we will recognize what accomplishments are required of us. For example, if you are now asked to write a book, make sure that you are able to write 1000 words per hour. This goal or definition can help you be more focused and effective.

Defining short time periods for work

Time is an important commodity to use to increase productivity. Set regular, long or short periods according to your presence. At these times you can sink into the task, you can get the right indication

do you meet the goal you set yourself?

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Correct dosage

Multitasking may sometimes create a click. The pressure is not a good member of efficiency. To be more efficient, make sure that you do one task at a time and do not get carried away to start several tasks at the same time. Assemble identical tasks together as arrangements or phones to give them the most attention they need.

Quiet environment

Quiet! Quiet is all you need to really succeed. Take your computer, notebook, and writing tools to a place where you do not have to try to ignore distractions. A closed room, a library, a coffee shop or a

back yard can address the problem. Leave the rest of the distractions such as phones, tablets in silent mode.

Get up early

Getting up early in the morning, like for example at 5 and starting work on your most important task can be a great solution for increasing productivity. You can often do more before 8 am than most.

people do all-day

Build a daily schedule The daily schedule can bring some order to every day. Building a daily schedule improves significantly the focus of each action and meeting. A daily schedule that is organized can save time, money and a lot of headaches. At the beginning of each day, schedule your tasks according to time, and preference.

Pareto principle

Pareto’s principle is rule 80-20, which states that 80% of the value of all tasks comes from 20% of the effort invested in them. so you need to focus your energy on 20% of the critical things to do now

Using the timer This method is a great method for making decisions and preventing distraction from unnecessary
thoughts. Experts recommend using the time to make decisions. Using the timer you can limit your thinking the time to make an actual decision. Take a moment to swing and guess, but at the end of this moment, you must decide.

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Determination of deadline

Determination ”deadline” is a more orderly way of doing work. The ”deadline” can be characterized by time, day or month of the year. It does not really matter, as long as you meet your target date.


Timeliness is part of adopting “intransigence”. If you are late in doing your job or doing your job, you will probably find yourself compromising and giving up in a few other areas. Adopt precision as.

Reducing gaps

We all have small gaps, whether by reading the material submitted for the new project or understanding the task. To narrow gaps, do thinking or reading while doing an unrelated thing, for

example - read an article while you are waiting in line, waiting for a meal that is warming up or even waiting on the line to talk. Look for effective ways like recorded lectures or summaries to embed the
material with less effort.

Use imagination

Using imagination is the best way to achieve your goal in less time and effort. Imagine that your goal has already been achieved and you can see what the most effective means can be. Imagination is a

tool that exists for us, waiting for us to it correctly. When we imagine something in mind, we may make it a real part more easily.


There are royalties on hard work. The royalties do not have to be material but they can also be half an hour of free time to read a book or take a walk in nature. Be sure to give yourself rewards for staying up and pamper yourself when you are able to complete the tasks before the time comes.

Task sequence

Create a sequence of tasks, a sort of tasks list in which each task. This way you can focus better on are ”breaking up” complex projects into smaller, well-defined tasks. This way you can focus better on completing them.

Specific treatment in the task

Once you start a task, make sure to do it fully. Distractions will always find a way to get in the way, so try to worry that you are not burdening yourself with a few more tasks in the middle. When the

distractions arrive, record them as a task to be performed at the end of the current task.

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Random execution of tasks

There are people who perform random tasks that can increase their level of efficiency. The preference to start a small part of a large project and complete it now can be more effective for them than to start

taking care of the entire project at the moment.

Use of initial draft

Many of us are perfectionist. This is quite common if you are not willing to compromise on the quality of your mission, make sure that you make a preliminary draft of each task, From this draft, you can let the final product ripen.

30 Day exercise

As you identify a new habit, the 30-day exercise can help you assimilate it to your norm easily. This is the new habit you will want to adopt and commit to sticking to for the next 30 days. This temporary obligation will teach you to evaluate the choice correctly.

"Phone friend"

Many of us already know the term "outsourcing," outsourcing is a service that we can use to do tasks we do not want to do. In cases of stress, stress or lack of business, many businesses tend to outsource, many businesses even channel much of their work to the help of the "phone company." So whenever you find yourself at work, for the right payment you can always find someone else who will be happy to help you.

General improvement

A general improvement begins willingly to develop. Many times success in another field will result in improved performance in the current field. Maybe it's time to sign up for the martial arts class, start blogging or read a book.

Listen to intuition

Many times we ignore our gut feelings that eventually turn out to be most correct. When it comes to making decisions or performing tasks efficiently, your stomach will know best for you. Listen to intuition.


How can we understand the best course of action for us? We must identify processes that we often use, and can even be documented step by step to understand how to optimize each action. With reorganization and implementation, you will find how to improve the results of each action you perform. Sometimes we just can not see what's right until we examine it under a microscope.

“The decent method you follow is better than the perfect method you quit.”

― Timothy Ferriss 

The article was inspired by the recommended book:

Timothy Ferriss - The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman


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