NLP - What is NLP? And how it will help you in relationships, health, emotions and recovery from cancer

NLP is the acronym for Nero-Linguistic Programming - Physiological Linguistic Routing. It is a model for interpersonal and intimate communication (the person with himself), which began to develop in the United States in the 1970s.
The initials are three letters that concisely represent a complex process that produces change.

Nero - N - neural, cerebral, physiological. The brain absorbs information through the senses. Every sense is a kind of door through which information enters the brain and is processed there. The brain absorbs the various stimuli and translates them into meaningful experiences. The NLP emphasizes that there is a great deal of variation between humans in sensory input. We each have different sensory preferences. These metaphorical doors are open in different ways to different people. Understanding that we perceive the same reality in different ways makes it possible to understand why there are so many misunderstandings between us. Exploring the neurological facet enables efficient brain programming.

Linguistic - L The linguistic facet, the literal expression of inner experiences. The way we express ourselves implies our neurology. The NLP method teaches us to listen uniquely and to find clues that indicate a sense of style. A few years ago they told me about a boy who asked his father why he was removing his glasses at bedtime. The father replied that he sees his dreams well without glasses. The boy responded with a surprise: "Father, hear dreams, do not see dreams." This is a nice example of how the words convey a sense of style. At NLP we are particularly attentive and manage to make a profound change using the right words. NLP has its own grammatical laws and linguistic models that allow a deep understanding of the human soul.

Programming - P The routing, programming, and many change processes that make up the model. To create a profound change that will preserve over time, one must speak the unique language of the subconscious. The programming work at NLP consists of the logically advanced and ingenious steps to create change. There are dozens and maybe hundreds of different programs. They aim to solve problems such as allergy, phobia, and anxiety. Some processes are aimed at changing harmful habits and others to implement the change in the future. Each NLP creator brings new processes to the world and the field continues to evolve.

How can the NLP method help you?

NLP is a method that enables communication with the subconscious and aims to help you create powerful and fast results in your life that will last over time.
If you have previously tried to make a change in a particular area such as losing weight, quitting smoking, improving communication with your parenting or parenting, boosting self-confidence, finding parity, and so on, but you have not succeeded for any reason - NLP can help you do that. No specific experience or skills are required to use NLP to your advantage.
The years of accumulated experience with the NLP method, in Israel and around the world, prove results in the following areas.
Changing Habits - How to get rid of a harmful habit like overeating or smoking and replacing it with a promotional habit like a healthy diet or sport.
Treatment of health problems - Treatment of physical ailments, pain relief, getting pregnant, reducing symptoms of illness and helping with health problems.
Relationships - Finding Relationships and Improving Communication and Upcoming Relationships Like Parity, Parenting and Extended Family.
Emotional Problems - Anxiety, Depression, Fears, and Phobias such as Audience Fear, Height Fear, Flight Fear, Dependence and Addiction Treatment, Release of Anger, Release of Feeling Emotional, Fear of Audience and Social Anxiety, Coping with Grief and Loss, and More.
People treated with NLP report many changes for the better, such as higher self-confidence, emotional resilience, and a better ability to deal with difficulties and challenges, peace, relaxation, and ability to create inner peace easily and regardless of circumstances, release from troubling and worrying thoughts. Detoxing from harmful habits and various addictions, people lost weight, quit smoking, began to exercise regularly and created a liberated life full of energy. Many people report a significant improvement in their ability to manage good relationships. And most importantly - the changes are saved over time. The NLP guideline can be adapted for people with different disabilities as well as children.

How the NLP method works?

NLP is a method, way, language, tools, and processes, communicating with our subconscious mind, programming it and harnessing it to help us make whatever changes we seek to make in our lives in every area.
This is not a disappointing attempt to bring about change without results. The change that occurs with the use of the NLP method is rapid and powerful, usually effortlessly and lasts for a long time.
The NLP model was developed while watching media geniuses such as Milton Erickson, Virginia Stir, Paris Perles, Gregory Bateson, and others. It is a model that draws its deep wisdom from their genius.
In deep subconscious programming, processes create emotionally, thought or behavioral changes.
magic? The truth is, not exactly. It is a matter of the forces that exist within us and we will immediately explain what we mean.
You could say that our consciousness is more or less divided into two unequal parts - the conscious and the subconscious. For us to succeed, move forward and make real changes in our lives, it is important for the conscious and subconscious to cooperate.
It is not always easy to reach a state where the conscious and the subconscious are in sync. In fact, the premise of NLP is that there is often a conflict between these two components.
For example: If we consciously tell ourselves that we want to succeed in the financial field. It is important for us to have money, abundance in our lives, and we decide that we will now work hard and become focused and effective in creating this aspirational success. It is excellent, but suppose that in our subconscious we hold the belief that success impairs our freedom. In such a situation, all the actions we do and all the work we do will actually not produce the results we hope for. Why?
Because the power of the subconscious to our lives is immense. It is estimated that a total of about 3% of our brain processing power is done in its conscious part and another 97% are unconscious, autonomous and automatic processes of our systems. This can be illustrated by comparing to other activities in our bodies. For example, digestion of food, immune protection, natural healing of wound or inflammation, and many other processes are automatic and autonomous of the body, which we are not aware of at all. The body does not need consciousness to perform them. Similarly, many emotional processes are also processed without being aware of it.
This is why triggering a conscious change that involves an act of willpower alone often leads to failure. The vast, unconscious forces within us have a great influence on our ability to effect change.
We are often very interested in change and work consciously to achieve it. We invest all of our willpower in this and mobilize to achieve our goal, but to our disappointment, after a while, we grow tired, despair and the situation returns to normal. This condition can be lowered into a cart carried by two horses, but they are not well drawn and each horse pulls the cart in a different direction. And so, on the one hand, the cart does not make much progress and the horses get very tired. The "cart of our lives" pulls two horses, and many times they are out of sync. One "horse" (the conscious) pulled the cart to one side, while the other "horse" (the subconscious) pulled the cart to the other.
The NLP's magic is in its ability to speak the language of the subconscious, to understand why the unconscious "horse" is opposed to change, to do focused and effective work that eventually the two horses will aim for the wagon. Thus, the two horsepower within us is moving the cart in the direction that is most beneficial to us. In this situation, the change is almost self-evident.

Why is communication with the subconscious important?

Suppose you have given yourself time and asked yourself, "What would I like to accomplish in my personal life, in my relationships or in my career? So that I will feel wonderful when it exists, something that will advance me, help me and grow me personally and/or professionally."
There is a situation that, in order to start the process, you have even written your own goals and objectives and also some tasks to start within the coming month. And now it's time to start applying. You are at the height of enthusiasm. You are going through a day full of new suppliers.
The desire to change, develop and fulfill yourself is always welcome and blessed. It is part of a person's natural growth and development process. We all have aspirations and desires to feel good, to be healthy, to exercise ourselves professionally and to be meaningful - in our relationships, parenting, and community.

There are two options to address the goals and change we seek:

The good news is - change is possible!
You can fulfill dreams, achieve goals, and improve your quality of life in every field.
But there is also bad news - statistics say that within 3 months, more than 80% of the programs most of us are making to change - are being shelved. And with them, the dreams of other lives are also shed and we return to the old habits in no time.

Why is it happening?

The main reason is - our subconscious.
The subconscious is a leading player in all of our success or failure. He is, in fact, the chief executive of our way of realization and success.
How is the subconscious responsible for the success of change and our progress in life?
When we decide to make a change in life like - lose weight, quit smoking, start a business, grow the business, live in good relationships or make a change in any other area, sometime we will encounter a barrier that will not allow us to move forward.

A roadblock to change can come in three ways:

1. Block behavior - eg procrastination.

2. Blocked in thought - for example, decreased motivation, thoughts that take control and do not allow progress.

3. Blocked by emotion - for example, fear, guilt, anger.
We all come across barriers to change but for the most part, we do not know the reason for them and do not know how to address it. We try to work around it, but it usually doesn't help. Often comes the moment when we despair and retreat from the change we started. This is usually accompanied by feelings of guilt, disappointment, frustration and sometimes the guilt of someone else who we throw our failure at.
What is the reason why a month ago we had a tremendous motivation and now it is gone? Many of us hang on to the reason for the failure to change something external like the market situation, other people who did not cooperate, who did not support, etc.
But for the most part, that's not the real reason.
The real reason for failure to create change is internal rather than external. And in most cases, this is an unconscious reason. It can be traced back to our past, to events we have experienced in the past and that may have been completely forgotten by our consciousness. But the same element that exists within us called the subconscious, has not forgotten them.
When we really want to address the barrier to change the way to deal with it is to communicate with our subconscious. We must bring the deep cause to the conscious mind, understand it, and address it. Only in this way can we cross the real difficulty and continue to advance towards the realization of our goals.
And by the way, knowing how to do that doesn't take long. You just have to know how to do it and the NLP method knows how to communicate with the subconscious in wonderful ways.

How to communicate with the subconscious?

Goals, tasks, and annual planning belong to the thinking and logical part of the brain. This subconscious sounds like ancient Chinese. The subconscious speaks with emotions, colors, images, symbols, and stories.
In order for the beautiful plan we have built not to return to another year so that this time we can truly fulfill our desires so that the subconscious will be fired for change and have success - we must learn to communicate with it.

How to do it?

NLP is an applied way that consists of processes and techniques aimed at communicating with the subconscious, reprogramming it and harnessing it to produce success and fulfillment in whatever field you choose to focus on.

How exactly does it work?

At NLP, we listen closely to various expressions that give us clues about neurological/sensory activity. Understanding the inner, personal, nerve world allows us to adapt to each individual NLP processes that fit him like a glove. Processes that have undergone a profound change in the way that his subconscious will interact with him from now on.
The model is very applied. We set a goal (and not a problem) and move quickly to achieve it. Some of the treatment is done with eyes closed while entering the inner, deep world. Many insights are revealed during work. A feeling that "many tokens are falling". A sense of inner acceptance, understanding, and love for myself. The ability to align the line between all the different levels within me allows for quick and easy progress towards the goal.

Do you have questions about NLP? Write below.
