Optimization Marketing - Google analytics, Google search console, and Email Marketing

Today we will understand how to optimize, optimize and improve processes. we will learn about Google Analytics and understand how using Google's tool we can analyze and gain an in-depth understanding of the traffic and profit we receive from every user of our site. With another tool called Google Webmaster, we can track our locations in the popular search engine and allow our site pages to be crawled more easily. And we will go over a number of features for our ongoing operations and learn how to improve processes on our web property.

Google analytics

It is a tool that allows us to analyze and track our data. With this tool, we can know in real-time and according to detailed reports exactly which pages your site views from which traffic sources and top search words they came from and more data.

There are many different options:

1) Overview
We can see the number of people who are on our site at any given time. The data changes in real-time, we can see analysis from which device (computer, smartphone and more) the users come from. We'll be able to see if there are leads from other sites if there are any, leading social networks and keywords (keywords). We can see the top pages - which pages come the most to our site. By clicking on one of the pages we can get more detailed information - where the person from the same page came from: naturally from Google or through sponsored advertising through Google, Facebook, Instagram, and other advertising networks.

2) Locations
Through locations we can see the world map in real-time, we can see from what physical location the surfers come to our site: from which country, from which city and more. With this data, I will know how to optimize precisely for our website sponsored campaign.

3) Sources of the surfing movement
We can see from which traffic sources people came to our site For example 3200 people from a "Facebook" traffic source, 2500 people from a Google traffic source 1100 people from a traffic source "Mailing list"

4) Content
Here we can see all the titles on our site and how many active users there are in each article on our site. With the data we get, we can know which articles are the most interesting to our surfers and so we know where to put our focus and which article is best to promote.

5) Events & Conversions
In events and conversions, we will know from some of the surfers who came to our site and were exposed to the products we uploaded to the site bought and saved money. In addition, we can tell from all the surfers how many advertisements clicked on our site, how many subscribed to the mailing list and more.

6) Audiences
In the audience, we can see statistical reports by period. You can choose an exact date range and see accurate data such as:

# The number of users on your site. Example - A user who visits the site 150 times during the period, Google counts it as 1 login.

# Number of new visitors to your site - Google does not count returning users. Example - If a user enters during the time period you have set up for your site, Google does not consider the same user in the count.

# The number of sessions for all users on your site. Multiply the number of users by double the number of actions per user.

# The number of actions each of your surfers did on average.

# Number of site views - This figure includes the number of repeat visitors, for example, if a visitor enters your site during the time period you have set 150 times, Google counts it approximately 150 times as site entries.

# The average number of pages viewed per user.

# Average time spent browsing your site.

# Percentage of your surfers leaving the site.

# We can see the percentage of new users to the site and the percentage of users returning to the site.

# We can see a graph showing the trend of user traffic on our site by date.

# We can see what our users' leading language.
according to the language installed on the user's computer.

# We can see the top countries from where user traffic comes to our site.

# We can know what browser from which users are coming to our website Google Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Safari, Edge and more.

Example - If you see the surfers coming to your site from an Explorer browser, you can understand that those surfers are coming to the site from old computers because Microsoft's new browser is Edge.
If you want more accurate data on more specific things, you can click "Search" to type-specific information that you want to know.

Which figure you should focus on to maximize profits?

1) Traffic Sources - a source of the traffic to a website of surfers.
You should update this figure at least once a month. You need to understand from the data you get from which source of traffic you are most profitable for you to spend money on a sponsored campaign to drive user traffic, from which browser, exactly from which advertising platform, campaign type and more.
Remember - Google promotes websites in their search engine mainly because of the average number of pages viewed per user, and the time spent browsing the site. The greater the time spent on browsing the site and the higher the number of pages viewed, the more Google promotes. The higher the content, the more it will help you move up in Google's ranking.

2) Geographic location - so you can tell which countries are most profitable to you and which countries are less profitable.

How do you check profitability by the number of users?

Once we connect Google Analytics to Google Adsense and search for Adsense in a search bar, we can get accurate data and know exactly how much we have earned and earned from advertisements following the traffic of our site.
Remember - the greater the number of users, the more accurate your data will be.
For me, statistics are considered accurate when you go through the 10,000 pages viewed on the site In the Adsense Pages column.

How does Google Analytics embed our site or blog?

To embed Google's great tool and get accurate data:

1) Create a Google Analytics account.

2) Get a Google code and click Copy.

3) Click on your site for theme options.

4) Click on Google Analytics / Custom code.

5) Paste the code we received And click save. After a few moments, you can see Google Analytics data from your site.

How to connect your Google Analytics account to our Adsense account?

Very important - the registration for your Adsense account and also the Analytics account will be from the same Google account.

1) We click Google Analytics on "Options" - looks like a wrench.

2) Click on "Link to Adsense" and click Continue.
Congratulations Adsense Account is connected to Analytics!

Know Google Search Console

It can be accessed using Google Search "Google WebMaster" or Google "Search Console".
We click on the first result in Google and we will reach the management panel.

1) To add the first site click on the side menu and click Add URL.

2) List your URL and click Continue.

3) Click "HTML" and copy the code.

4) Click on "Theme options" on your website or blog and click on "Analytics and Custom Code"

5) Add the code in "Code before </head>"
and save options.

6) Go to Google WebMaster and click "Verify"
When you return to the Google Webmaster Admin panel, click on "Sitemap". Then go to your site and click on a search in your site's management panel on "XML Sitemap" Another way to get through "Options" then "SEO" and then click on "XML Sitemap" Then we will get to the page that maps the site. Copy the URL (URL of the site) that maps the site and paste it into Google Search Console and click "Submit"
Google will take a few days to bring us data to Google Webmaster's Dashboard. When you have data to click on "Performance" - to check page performance. Click "Cover" - to check for errors we have and the number of unindexed pages by Google. Click "sitemap" to see your sitemap. Click "Links" to see the pages that have the most inbound links to your site and the various sites that link to us. Click "Mobile Usability" to know if there are any bugs affecting mobile usage. Click "Overview" to get an overview of all the data I listed above.

The importance of pop up

Email marketing helps us pay back the visitor who visits our site over and over again, and so it becomes a subscriber who comes back to read content or examine products regularly. The best way to find out which pop-up (pop-up window) works best for us is the A / B Test. This is a test that examines different types and different pop-up configurations at the end of which we know exactly on the basis of accurate data what works best. The higher the quality of the pop-up, the better the conversion rates. Conversion percentages are a critical issue, let's say, and out of 1,000 new users on our site, we leave details to 100 people (10% conversion). This is significant compared to let's leave details 10 people out of 1,000 who visited the site 1% conversion)

My recommendation - Layered Popups

This is a plugin that allows us to pop up our site. (You can read the article I wrote on email distribution and marketing list to understand how to install the extension)
This is a plugin that allows us to pop up our site. (You can read the article I wrote on the mailing and marketing list via email to understand how to install the plugin) Once you have installed the plugin we will now learn how to optimize popup as well.

1) Go to your site's admin panel and click on "Layered Popups"

2) Click on A / B campsites.

3) Clicking "Create New Campaign" will immediately show you a pop-up list.

4) Set a name for the "Pop-up site login" campaign example and select 2 types of pop-ups and click Save.

5) We will click "Layered Popups" again and then "Targeting" here you can choose when the popup will pop up while a visitor visits the site. For more information on how to do this exactly, go to an article on mailing list marketing and marketing.

6) To replace the pop-up we created, click "Edit" and then click "A / B campsites" then "Save"

7) Click "Statistics" to see the data of 2 pop-ups running them at the same time. After you have received Data left the pop if with better data. Once a month, you will run this kind of test campaign to optimize pop-ups.
If you have any questions you can contact me on the various channels or leave a comment below.
Good luck!


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