Marketing - How to make a customer prefer to work with you Although you have a new business

Special report for small or new business owners who want to get a clear process to attract new customers to the new business.

Why does the customer focus on the sales call mainly on price rather than on the quality of your service and your professional experience and how to change it?

What are the 4 steps to building a customer retention infrastructure - useful tips that you can implement right now and see results!

And what is the only shortcut to business success, increasing revenue and creating real financial security in your business.

I remember the answer of my lecturer to this day, this moment was engraved in my memory even though they have been over 5 years ago, I was so surprised by her answer that apparently this class was burned in my mind.

She looked at me in astonishment with raised eyebrows and answered with almost contempt that the college did not teach how to attract clients to the clinic.

I was 22, I was a bit shocked, I did not understand what was happening.

I paid more than $ 6,000 a year to study in a private college to help me acquire a profession and make a living.

And what do I hear ... that I learn only half of my profession - all that happens after the client arrives and not the way to bring him to me.

"So how do you bring customers to your clinic, how do you do it?"

And she told me that it would just happen, start working, distribute business cards and tell everyone that you are involved in this field and overtime.

You will get inquiries if you are really good.

Unfortunately, I listened to her, printed business cards, took every opportunity I had to prove my skills, worked for free, worked for low wages, did everything to get ahead.

All around, everyone told me that it was okay, that this was how it should be, that I was at the beginning of the road, that everyone had a hard time at first and that it was normal.

But I could not help feeling the huge frustration of the lack of success.

I knew I was good and when I was finishing treatment the customers would praise me ... but were so little and did not get enough referrals.

I just could not make a living from it.

What do you do in such a situation when you have a family, a mortgage, a kindergarten, and a loan?

How do you manage a business fast without burning all the savings?

That's the question that went through my mind for a year when I handed out business cards - a year of total waste.

Today, when I look back, I realize that this time has helped me understand how to connect with so many people who pass
this stage in their lives, build a bridge of understanding and allow them to take the shortcut that unfortunately, I missed.

So how do you do it?

How do you attract customers when you are at the start of your business?

How do you make your customer prefer you even though your product or service is more expensive? worse? Do you have less experience?

How do you prevent customers from going to competitors who have more seniority in the market and are more successful than me?

The most important principle to attract customers that you will not learn anywhere!

The bottom line is the answer - sell yourself more than your service!

Here's the explanation: when it comes to selling a service - people do not buy from a company, a website or a brand - they feel they are buying from someone - a person from whom they feel secure and have trust and friendship with him.

Business services are constantly in contact with customers and the main reason that a customer prefers you over the competitor is mainly according to the chemistry that was between you.

For some reason, most business owners ignore this and they want to do the exact opposite - they want to be perceived as a big, successful, faceless company and sell by phone or the Internet - the main thing is to have no contact with customers.

Such a situation can happen but it is a sword of mouths, because if there is no personal training - the customer has no sense of loyalty to you.

For example, if someone asks me where it's best to see a movie?

My answer will be in Cinema City or any other movie theater.

And why should I answer this ... because the attitude and the service I receive in each one is the same. I do not get special attention, special deal or sense of preference.

On the other hand, if I have to recommend to a friend about a garage/dentist or attorney, I will not give him three names ... but one name and I'll tell him ... "Tell the lawyer that I referred you."

And why do we do this - because of the relationship? In this example, I did not refer him to several possibilities - only one.

This is the relationship between the customer and the business that generates referrals, repeat sales, and growth.

Before I will describe the steps, I want you to understand the main idea of the method:

You need to be in the foreground of your business, not your product, method or service and certainly not the logo.

People want to know who they buy a lot more than what they buy and I can back up this statement tens of thousands of examples, but we will not get into it right now.

Instead of setting yourself a goal to sell your product, set yourself a goal to make your clientele - love you ... yes yes, you read right, love you, not your product or service - you!

Once you make the customer love you, you've already made 60% of the way ... He will want you to serve him and no one else, you really create a sense of belonging with the customer - he wants to put himself in your hands.

You do not have to be a qualified marketing person to attract customers - just be a happy and loving person and show it to your audience. You're probably saying to yourself in the heart ... "I'm already a happy and loving person and I have no customers - why?"

The main reason is - you do not show it.

90% of all the businesses I work with advertise and market the business exactly the opposite of what I present here - in a cold and professional manner, not personal and not from the heart. They do not tell who they are, what they train, reveal feelings and stories, and share what is happening in their world.

And on the other side are your customers, who are eager to work with someone like them-they want to feel the trust.

So people want to know what is happening in the lives of others on the basis of which the real estate industry has come into being in television - all to reveal what is happening behind the scenes, in people's lives, to reveal the emotions.

This is exactly what you want to do - to expose who you are, to market to your client from your heart and heart, from a real and honest place that makes him want you and get fed up that he can not purchase from you.

The 4 steps to attract customers who prefer you

The main reason you do not get enough inquiries from new customers is - they just do not know you!

From my experience if you read this article you probably do not invest enough in your sponsored advertising business, you do not like or do not understand advertising and marketing so you do not do it yourself, you do not want to invest money because you do not have enough or you are not sure you will get a refund.

Bottom line The number of people who are looking for your existence or your business each month.

It's not enough that a few hundred people see your post - you need tens of thousands to be exposed to you just so that 2% of them will become customers - these are the numbers nobody tells you when you start a business.

Want to attract customers?

Stage 1 - Traffic!

Very simple - make people know you exist. Write marketing content, distribute videos, collaborate, go to conferences, distribute advertisements on Facebook, Google, try writing a column in the press and more ...

Make people know you exist - If people do not know you exist how can they even consider buying from you?

What's the problem with getting traffic? Or it costs money or it requires marketing skill and investment of time. For example, this article required me to invest time and skill in marketing writing. When I started the business, I did not know how to write marketing, so this option was not open to me.

At the same time, I was a student and I barely had money to advertise.

My solution was to learn marketing writing, to develop myself because I knew that this was actually my only way to break into the world.

If you do not have the money to invest - the first step is to know to market yourself, because no one will do it for you.

 Step 2 - Conversion!

One of the most important steps in establishing a marketing infrastructure for business and recruiting customers is your ability to receive the customer's details in order to establish a business relationship with him.

If someone reads your post, sees a video, or looks at Flair but does not have the opportunity to contact you or leave your details - you have no way to make a sales call and offer your service.

Just like you - the customer does not want to leave details unless he is already in the state of making the purchase.

So we need to offer him a special landing page offer that encourages him to leave details in return for information that will help him get to know you better and make the right decision to purchase from you.

The goal of the landing page is not just to capture details but to lead the customer to a purchase decision with the lowest risk possible for him.

Today, the technology enables many types of details to be captured, from forms that leave details that can be placed on the site, landing pages, and Facebook, to the sending of personal messages with the details of the customer directly to WhatsApp or Messenger.

Stage 3 - Build a community and prepare for sale!

This is the stage that most business owners are unaware of. They skip it and go straight to the sales stage just to talk to a cold customer who does not know them, a skeptic who asks only about the price.

If you hate hearing the customer up in the second minute of the conversation and the subject of the price or telling you that it is expensive or you will make a discount for him, then this part is exactly what you need.

The preparation stage for selling is sending content to a client who filters it out, explains who you are, why you should listen to you and makes him understand that you are the person who can help him with your service.

How do you do this? Through advertising that follows the customer and distributes posts and videos to him, mailing with relevant information, sending an SMS, sending by mail or message catalog or information booklet are all very important to prepare the customer for purchase.

Stage 4 - Sale!

This is the stage that unfortunately most business owners run too early with customers - the way they get the call they are trying to sell and then they do not understand why the customer is so opposed and feels that the owner is convincing, trying to push him and very familiar.

If you've never really learned how to sell - you probably do it wrong.

The fact that selling to this day does not mean you know how to sell - it means that customers buy from you - which is a huge difference.

Customers will purchase from you even if you do not know to sell, they want your service, they want the results so they will sell to themselves.

If you think you are a great salesperson because you close 90% of every word that comes to you - so I have news for you, that way
is with all business owners.

Your selling ability really comes into play only when you talk to people who come from advertising or marketing.

So you really are measured!

Here are two sentences you must understand:

1. Your selling ability is the only way to have peace of mind in a deep and real knowledge that you are able to support yourself.

2. It is the most important thing to let you know with confidence that you should invest in advertising and you will be rewarded.

You will not be willing to invest a serious amount in advertising if you do not have the confidence that you know how to sell and return your investment.

It's that simple.

The real and only shortcut to faster economic success is ...

Learn from someone else's experience.

Trying alone, breaking your head and not learning from mistakes and the successes of others is the meaning of stupidity and anyone who walks with his head on the wall gets exactly what he has created for himself - a headache.

In the business world, the headache is accompanied by tremendous frustration, financial losses, and low self-esteem - it's a feeling inside you that you're just not wanted.

The only way to make a shortcut in business is to get the information that makes life much simpler.

For example, in our mastermind program, participants take 6 seminars that educate them and help them avoid making very bad decisions.

Your next step is to make the decision to go through personal and business development and learn the marketing and sales skills that will enable you to leap into revenue.

If you want to take this step with us - we invite you to our closed groups and see whether to give you an escort that will help you to increase revenue in the short term or not. You can enter the group at the link below.

I hope you enjoyed and produced great value from the reading, I put a lot of effort into writing and I invite you to leave me a comment so I can hear your opinion.

Also, if you liked the content, you can go to section 2 of the report to show you why most small businesses do not earn enough, the 4 reasons for low income and how to exceed the $ 20,000 limit per month in your small business.


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