NLP - Communication skills - how to identify yourself and the person in front of you
Interpersonal Interaction - What does it mean, what does it mean, and how does it actually relate to business? Our ability to manage and manage our daily life on the interpersonal level is different from one to the other. Our communication styles, our thinking and learning abilities are influenced by the process of events and information we have learned over the years. The knowledge and character that we have created are actually the personality structure with which we were born and developed over the years, but they are also influenced by external environmental factors that accompanied us throughout our lives - our parents, social norms, prolonged television viewing, relationships. The style of communication is different, focused and purposeful in the face of long and unfocused, focused on the task versus focused human relations, structured versus unstructured, opposing arguments, controlled versus dominant, hidden versus open, systematic vs. random. Most of us are not aware ...